Kuhlau Check-Up

In this page, your knowledge about Kuhlau will be checked.
A hundred questions are prepared and divided in ten groups.
Please try them step by step.
If you get first 10 correct answers, you will be acknowledged as the first grade (so called "Shodan=1. dan" in Japan).
In next step, you will get the second grade (Nidan=2. dan).
If you get correct100 answers wuthout a mistake, you will be applauded as a Master for Kuhlau.
Kuhlau is a profound composer.
Please don't lose your way and advance to the final question.
If you judge that the sentence of question is correct, click "Yes".
If it is wrong, click "No".
When you get the correct answer, the next question is showed.
Please read the comment for understanding Kuhlau in each page.
If you have an objection aganist it, send it by E-mail.


Please click "Yes" for entrance or "No" for exit.